Coco Jones Talks 'Miss Me When I'm Gone' - Listen to a Snippet Here!

Coco Jones Talks 'Miss Me When I'm Gone' - Listen to a Snippet Here!

Did you catch Coco JonesJJJ Snapchat takeover?!

The 18-year-old singer gave fans an exclusive preview of her new song “Miss Me When I’m Gone,” which we can’t stop listening to now!

“‘Miss Me When I’m Gone” was a song that i heard a while ago that has always stuck with me, when I recorded the song I was singing it for all the people hurting in this world, and for all the people who question if they are loved and understood,” Coco told JJJ

Will she be releasing an album?

“At some point in my wild life of course! (laughs),” Coco said. “Do I have something set in stone at this moment, I don’t. However, I know if it’s going to be right it’s going to take time so bear with me!”

Listen to a snippet of “Miss Me When I’m Gone” below!

A video posted by Just Jared Jr. (@justjaredjr) on

Click inside to read the rest of our Q&A with Coco Jones…

On the songwriting process: “I didn’t write ‘Miss Me which can sometimes mean that it’s less personal but I don’t think that at all! I HAD to sing this song because I could relate to the message in the song, however when I recorded it the process was emotional actually..I normally do the surface style music, but digging deep to make the words really be felt was new and amazing for me!

On how her sound has progressed: “I think especially with this song, my subjects has evolved a lot. I’ve kind of been scared to do anything but fun music for a while, but as I’ve grown to know I shouldn’t try and please everybody, I’ve taking more initiative and being more honest! ‘Miss Me When I’m Gone’ is a prime example.”

On her fans: “I definitely hope my #cocolocos love ‘Miss Me’ and I hope it inspires them to stand strong and remember how loved they are! Especially by me.”

On her plans for the Fall: “I love fall because I can drown in cappuccinos! I’m so obsessed with warm drinks, but in the summer it’s a no-go lol! I really love wearing big sweaters too, so I can’t wait to basically be walking around in a blanket haha!”

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