'Shadowhunters' Season 3 Tone Will Be A Little More 'Mature'

'Shadowhunters' Season 3 Tone Will Be A Little More 'Mature'

When Shadowhunters returns for season three in April next year, we can all expect a change in the tone.

According to executive producers Todd Slavkin and Darren Swimmer and director Matt Hastings, the three are working towards a new tone, and tease that it’s a “little more adult this year, and a little more mature. Some of that is just deepening relationships.”

“The three of us work very hard to reinvent the show, the way the show looks and feels and tastes,” Matt added. “I think tonally the show has shifted; it’s become a lot more spooky and more in the vein of Polanski and Hitchcock…it’s really much more of a slow-burn suspense and mysterious.”

“We still have the blazing action scenes and all that jazz, but it really is diving into the character with both feet. From the outside in, when you’re fighting demons, it’s not a happy, spunky place – it’s serious.”

We’re ready for it!

Check out the latest BTS pic from the show, courtesy of Katherine McNamara:

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Photos: Freeform
Posted to: Shadowhunters, Television

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