Lucy Hale Bonds With CHLA Patient Laura Over Love of French Fries

Lucy Hale Bonds With CHLA Patient Laura Over Love of French Fries

Lucy Hale still wears her favorite new hat while meeting a new friend, Laura, during her visit to Children’s Hospital Los Angeles on Saturday afternoon (December 2) in Los Angeles.

The Life Sentence actress spent the day with Laura and other patients and played a game or two of Words With Friends — something she and Laura bonded over, on top of their love for french fries.

Words With Friends 2 actually made a donation of $75,000 to Children’s Hospital Los Angeles for the holiday season to support their continued research efforts and patient care programs.

“I am a huge Words With Friends fan and love playing in between breaks on set with my friends,” Lucy shared at the event. “I am so thankful to Words With Friends for making a donation of $75,000 to support the amazing work that Children’s Hospital Los Angeles does to save lives every day.”

FYI: Lucy is wearing a Lack of Color hat.

10+ pics inside of Lucy Hale

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Photos: Michael Simon
Posted to: Lucy Hale

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