Jennifer Lawrence & Emma Stone First Met Because Of A Mutual Stalker

Jennifer Lawrence & Emma Stone First Met Because Of A Mutual Stalker

Imagine growing old and your grandkids asking how you met your best friend and replying, “Oh, we had the same stalker.”

That’s exactly what Jennifer Lawrence and Emma Stone will be doing because it’s actually how they met!

The two Oscar winning actresses opened up to W Magazine for their “Best Performances Portfolio” and revealed the true story of how their friendship came to be.

Jennifer Lawrence and I both had the same stalker, John the Orchestra Guy,” Emma explains. “He would text us both and say things like ‘I’m running late on my way to the soundstage. Can you warm up the orchestra for me? Text me back and let me know you got this.’”

She continues, “He wasn’t really a stalker. He must have worked at a studio or something, because he had a lot of people’s numbers. Jen and I texted for a year before we actually met. As she was driving to my house, she thought, ‘Oh, my God, what if it’s John the Orchestra Guy’? And I thought, ‘Oh, my God, what if it’s John the Orchestra Guy’?”

“So Jen calls me and says, ‘I just want to make sure you’re not John the Orchestra Guy.’ I wasn’t. And we met. It’s our adorable love story. ”

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Photos: Juergen Teller
Posted to: Emma Stone, Jennifer Lawrence, Magazine

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