Vanessa Morgan & Madelaine Petsch Reveal How They Actually Celebrated Vanessa's Casting on 'Riverdale'

Vanessa Morgan & Madelaine Petsch Reveal How They Actually Celebrated Vanessa's Casting on 'Riverdale'

We don’t have to tell you this, but Vanessa Morgan and Madelaine Petsch are kind of the best BFFs ever.

The two Riverdale stars have been gushing about each other since Vanessa was cast as Toni Topaz on the series and JJJ can not get enough of it.

“I saw her in the studio test, and I was like, ‘Damn, that girl has really cool style,’” Madelaine revealed of their first encounter with each other. “I didn’t say anything, though, because I was so nervous.”

But that didn’t last long at all.

“The next test, everyone’s a lot more comfortable because you were with the same group of people. She and I started just talking about the people we were dating, and we kind of bonded over things that we had going on that were similar and awful, and so we bonded over that.”

Madelaine adds that, “in LA, most friends, even if you think they won’t be, are going to be a little weird about you booking a role that they didn’t. But Vanessa was so supportive. She was like, ‘Oh my god, let’s get dinner, it’s my treat!’”

“This is someone I had met a week before! I’m not kidding you, she’s my best friend on the planet, and she has always been that way, and that’s the way I am for her, too. She’s my best friend, and now she’s on the show, too, and I couldn’t be happier.”

Madelaine also revealed how they celebrated when Vanessa booked the role of Toni – and it wasn’t with dinner, but something much more them.

“She was in New Zealand still [for The Shannara Chronicles]! The first time I saw her after she booked, it was right when I moved back to Vancouver for filming. She and I are very into nights in, so I met up with her and we made our teas, and we had one of our infamous nights in. It’s so embarrassing, but we’re grandmas. It’s the best thing to do!”

Guys – best BFFs ever!

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Photos: Getty
Posted to: Madelaine Petsch, Vanessa Morgan

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