Jake Paul Breaks Silence After FBI Home Search, Confirms Reason Why

Jake Paul Breaks Silence After FBI Home Search, Confirms Reason Why

Jake Paul is speaking out, a week after his home was searched by the FBI.

The 23-year-old wasn’t home at the time, but they authorities did recover quite a few firearms from the property.

Jake has now spoken out about the incident, in a since deleted video, and he confirmed why his home was searched in the first place.

“Just to clarify things and set the record straight, the FBI raid is entirely related to the Arizona looting situation that happened,” he said. “It’s an investigation. There are rumors about it having to do with so many other things that have nothing to do with me or my character and the s–t that people are making up is absolutely absurd.”

“That being said, when I become aware of someone around me who is doing malicious things they are immediately cut out of my life,” he added. “I don’t put up with bulls–t, I don’t surround myself with bad people. If someone does something bad, they will be removed from my life.”

On Wednesday (August 12), Jake‘s friend and ex Tana Mongeau was seen at his house, just hours before a boxing match was held there. See a photo on TMZ!

If you missed it, see what Jake‘s brother Logan said about how he was doing.

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Posted to: Jake Paul

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