KJ Apa Shares How They Prep For Kissing Scenes on 'Riverdale' During Pandemic

KJ Apa Shares How They Prep For Kissing Scenes on 'Riverdale' During Pandemic

KJ Apa is opening up about new pandemic protocols on the set of Riverdale!

The 23-year-old actor was on Live with Kelly and Ryan, and was asked about how they are handling kissing scenes these days.

If you didn’t know, some productions have actors kiss with a plexiglass in between them, and edit it out later.

“[We rinse our mouths with] Listerine. They have us come to set a little early, and we have to rinse our mouths for one minute. There’s a guy standing there with a timer, counting down sixty seconds,” KJ said. “And we have to rinse our mouths out before the scene, before every take, for sixty seconds. Apparently it kills all the germs in your mouth, but in my mind, by the time you’ve got your tongue in someone’s mouth, I don’t think it really matters, to be honest.”

KJ also opened up about an on set injury he had during an action sequence, while being directed by Michael Bay on the set of Songbird. Check it out in the video!

KJ Apa on ‘Live with Kelly and Ryan’

If you missed it, see who KJ was seen kissing in the Riverdale season five trailer, and see who he almost kissed while on a break from filming on set.

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Photos: Getty
Posted to: KJ Apa, Riverdale

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