Charlie Puth & Selena Gomez Recorded 'We Don't Talk Anymore' in an Unexpected Place!

Charlie Puth & Selena Gomez Recorded 'We Don't Talk Anymore' in an Unexpected Place!

Charlie Puth and Selena Gomez originally recorded “We Don’t Talk Anymore” in a place you wouldn’t expect.

The “Attention” singer revealed that the two first laid down the track in a closet!

Taylor Swift introduced us at this VMA afterparty a while back,” he told Billboard. “I think I even was like, ‘We should do something sometime.’ I say that to every artist I meet, because I just can’t believe I’m in this position where people want to work with me. But I didn’t actually think it was gonna happen.”

“I think four months went by, and it happened — but in a very strange way,” he continued. “I had sent the demo of ‘We Don’t Talk Anymore,’ where it was originally all me, and I played it for her over FaceTime — I was in the Philippines. She was like, ‘I love this,’ and it hit me. I was like, ‘This could be a duet.’ Everybody has experience with the sentiment of the song meaning, I think. I certainly have, she has, so it just felt very real when she performed it.”

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Selena was in Vegas,” he added. “She flew herself to my house I was renting at the time in the Hollywood Hills. She came over at like 2 o’clock in the morning and recorded this part in a makeshift recording booth in the closet. It was very, very not glamorous. I had to go to London the next day — I was kind of hungover, I just came from a party. But I had to get the vocals all done. So it was quite challenging to just push through it at 5 o’clock in the morning. But when I listened to it when I woke up the next day, it was all worth it, ’cause she sounded great.”

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Posted to: Charlie Puth, Selena Gomez

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