JoJo Siwa Says 'Love is Awesome' While Raving Over Girlfriend Kylie Prew!

JoJo Siwa Says 'Love is Awesome' While Raving Over Girlfriend Kylie Prew!

JoJo Siwa is gushing over girlfriend Kylie Prew!

Earlier this week, the 17-year-old YouTube star made an appearance during the 2021 GLAAD Media Awards, where she raved about her “wonderful” girlfriend.

“I’m so excited to be here at the GLAAD Media Awards. I recently just came out as a part of the LGBTQ community,” JoJo said before presenting the award for outstanding children’s programming to The Not-Too-Late Show With Elmo.

“I have the best, most amazing, wonderful girlfriend in the entire world who makes me so, so, so happy,” JoJo continued. “That is all that matters.”

JoJo then went, adding, “I think it’s really cool now that kids all around the world who look up to me can now see that loving who you want to love is totally awesome.”

“If you want to fall in love with a girl, if you want to fall in love with a boy, if you want to fall with somebody who is a they, them or who is non-binary, that is incredible,” JoJo continued. “Love is awesome. You can be in love with whoever you want to be in love with, and it should be celebrated. And amazingly, now today in the world, it is.”

JoJo revealed that she was dating Kylie earlier this year, shortly after she came out.

In a new interview, JoJo opened up about her sexuality.

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