Tony Oller: Snoop Dogg Guest Stars on Gigantic!

Tony Oller: Snoop Dogg Guest Stars on Gigantic!

Tony Oller strums a little tune on his guitar in this new still from Gigantic.

Check out what’s happening in back-to-back episodes tomorrow:

@9:30PM: “An Awesome Night of Awesomeness” – After listening to Walt’s (Oller) latest song, Anna (Grace Gummer), Finn (Malcolm David Kelley) and Joey (Ryan Rottman) encourage him to give a small, low-key performance in his backyard for their friends. However, Vanessa’s (Gia Mantegna) eagerness to help goes too far and she turns the night into a chaotic event with the paparazzi. Walt’s dad sneaks in a surprise guest to hear his music.

@10PM: “Perfect Complications” – Jennifer and Vanessa are spending lots of time together, participating in photo shoots and interviews, which creates tension between Anna and Vanessa. When a mystery man appears in Vanessa’s life, Anna takes it upon herself to find out more about Vanessa’s secret past. After his less than professional behavior around Piper (Jolene Purdy), Hugh quits as the family shrink and all goes haywire in the Katins’ household.

It all starts TOMORROW, October 29th at 9:30PM ET/PT on TeenNick. Check out the clip below!

“Gigantic” Clips

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Credit: Robert Voets; Photos: Nickelodeon
Posted to: Gia Mantegna, Gigantic, Grace Gummer, Jolene Purdy, Ryan Rottman, Tony Oller

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