'The Flash' Stars Give JJJ Some Scoop Ahead of Tonight's Season Finale!

'The Flash' Stars Give JJJ Some Scoop Ahead of Tonight's Season Finale!

Tonight marks the end of the day-we-say perfect first season of The Flash in what is being described as an “epic” finale.

We recently caught up with stars Grant Gustin, Candice Patton and Carlos Valdes at the network’s Upfront presentation where they teased what we can expect for the finale and the show going into season two!

Check out 5 mini teasers below and be sure to watch The Flash TONIGHT, May 19 @ 8PM on The CW!

1. On Barry’s mission:
Grant: “He’s caught Wells. He’s in the containment cell, in the pipeline. Barry feels a little empty after catching him still. It feels incomplete and he lets Wells get into his head a little bit, and manipulate him in the finale again. It sends him down this road that…Barry feels like he made these decisions on his own, but they were kind of Wells’ decisions. And Barry makes the decision to go back and save his mom on the night she was murdered.”

2. On Barry and Iris:
Grant: “I think everything’s on the table now. Iris knows Barry is The Flash. She also knows that Barry has these feelings for her. And Barry knows Iris has these feelings for him, but she’s still not wanting to open up about that. She’s still with somebody and Barry respects that. And Barry is more focused right now on his family, even though that does include Iris and Joe in some ways. I think there are just so many things happening that Barry is really focused on his mom and dad.”

Candice: “The thing about Iris and Barry, and even Iris and Joe, is that they’re family and you can only stay mad for so long. The love that those three have for each other kind of overcomes even that huge lie. I think Iris had her moment to be angry, and she was justified being as angry as she was, and I don’t think we need to see that much more. She got everything out and she can try to move on.”

Click inside to see three more teasers for the show…

3. On Barry and Eddie:
Candice: “There’s a lot going on. Her and Eddie have broken up and that’s devastating to her. She loves Eddie and she wants that to work, despite what Wells has told her. He’s a crazy person who killed Barry’s mother, so she doesn’t really trust that anyway.”

4. On the finale as a whole:
Grant: “You’ll get a lot of answers, for sure. There’s plenty of closure in the finale, but you know, it’s a finale so there are a lot of cliffhangers as well.”

Candice: “The finale is epic. There’s a lot of heartbreak, a lot of tears. It’s really really good.”

5. On next season:
Candice on Iris’ career: “I think she’ll access to a lot of information that she didn’t have before and it will be interesting to see how she navigates working at Picture News and knowing who The Flash is and knowing what’s really going on in Central City. It will be really interesting to see how her career evolves and opens up.”

Carlos on seeing Cisco find love next season: “I hope so and I think we will. I can’t say. I know who it’s going to be, but I can’t say. Cisco in general has had this arc of maturing and that’s part of his process. And becoming an adult, so to speak, is maneuvering his romantic adventures.”

- Reporting by Sharon Tharp (@sharontharp)

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