Beau Mirchoff On Matty & Jenna's Future on 'Awkward': 'I Don't Think I Would Put Them Together'

Beau Mirchoff On Matty & Jenna's Future on 'Awkward': 'I Don't Think I Would Put Them Together'

Beau Mirchoff is opening up about the future of his character, Matty, on Awkward…and the future between Matty and Jenna.

The 27-year-old actor spoke with The Lowdown with Diana Madison about Matty’s future, if he and Jenna, played by Ashley Rickards, would end up together, and going behind the camera. Check it:

On Matty & Jenna’s future: “I can’t tell you [if they will survive] but I can say that Matty is going to open up a dialogue with her and lay everything on the line and hopefully they can reconcile…if not that’s okay, maybe they should go their separate ways and see what else life has to offer.”

On how his real life relationship differs: “My real life relationship is so boring compared to television relationships…nothing interesting happens. We don’t fight, we don’t do any of this crazy stuff. I don’t have to fly across the country to present my love.”

On Matty’s sole future: “I don’t think I would put Jenna and Matty together…Maybe Matty has a more positive attitude and becomes okay with his current state and goes back to school, gets a good job. Maybe we could jump after the finale and Matty has a job in insurance and is married with kids and coaches the soccer team.”

On directing an upcoming episode: “It’s 100 percent different. I just yell at people. Just yell at everyone [laughs]…They wanted me to succeed. It was really fun and the most stressful thing I’ve ever done, but I think I thrived at it.”

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Photos: MTV
Posted to: Awkward, Beau Mirchoff, Television

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