David Archuleta Explains Why He Didn't Perform at 'American Idol' Finale

David Archuleta Explains Why He Didn't Perform at 'American Idol' Finale

David Archuleta has taken to Instagram to explain why he wasn’t performing during the American Idol finale this past week.

Read what the 25-year-old former Idol runner-up shared with his fans:

“Hey y’all, I know a lot of you were bummed I didn’t sing in the idol finale and asked why I didn’t sing. It wasn’t that I didn’t want to. I’m way bummed I wasn’t able to be more a part of it!! :( :( :( but it wasn’t because they wouldn’t let me. It was simply that I thought I wouldn’t be able to until a few days before. I’m glad I was able to be there and still be on stage for a moment with everyone. We sometimes wish things would have gone differently, but life doesn’t always go the way we hope it to at first.

“I’m so glad I could be there! I was reminded of the stressful and overwhelming moments that broke me down a lot of times, but also of the many good people that helped me get back up. I was reminded of the moments that changed my life on the show. I’m glad I got to be a part of it all throughout the years. I’ll write a blog in the next couple of days to share more thoughts with y’all.

“I will say not being stressed and having so much attention, I was able to enjoy the time backstage saying bye to everyone and meeting the people that worked behind the scenes. I love meeting the people who are also a part of the show in both big ways and small ways that no one else ever sees or hears about.

“Thank you all for your concerns. Yeah, I am sad I didn’t sing but also happy I was there. Really, if I had sung I would’ve taken someone else’s spot and I think it worked out how it needed to. Someone else needed to give out what was in their heart this time. It was Trent and La’Porsha‘s time to shine most anyway. (And boy, did they shine. What a great final finale!) No worries, I will keep finding ways to sing up ahead as long as y’all keep supporting. Thank you for your continued support and concern! It’s nice to know people still care enough to ask.”

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Photos: WENN
Posted to: American Idol, david archuelta

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