Victoria Monet & Ariana Grande's New Duet Responds to Recent Violence in US - Listen Now

Victoria Monet & Ariana Grande's New Duet Responds to Recent Violence in US - Listen Now

Victoria Monet and Ariana Grande have teamed up for the brand new duet “Better Days” in response to the recent violence.

“I’m heartbroken by all of the recent tragedies the came as a result of hatred, racism and injustice. Im also sad at how numb some of us are to it, because it is far too common! This is not a video game or a movie you’re witnessing on your screens!This is our unfortunate REALITY! When I think about how I feel, the word confused comes to mind…So today we just want to try and help in one of the ways we know how! “Music is a universal language that all of us can feel regardless of color lines, gender, sexuality, age, race, religion…. it unifies us. We believe we can not fight hate with hate, only love. Just as we can not fight darkness with more darkness. Only Light.” #BlackLivesMatter. To all of the lives taken pointlessly, we will not let you be forgotten. You have sparked change in this world with your angel wings. Rest In Peace,” Victoria posted on Instagram.

Take a listen below…

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