16 Of The Biggest Social Media Stars Reflect on Their 2016 Success


YouTube subscribers: 1.5 million
Twitter followers: 1.6 million
Instagram followers: 1.6 million

Biggest success of 2016: “Being on Netflix! I worked on a movie called Miss Stevens last year, and to my surprise I found it on Netflix just this month! I was browsing one of those ‘What’s New On Netflix This December’ lists like I do monthly, and there it was. I’ve been subscribed to Netflix since 2012, and my love for the site has been grown since then, so I flipped out. I’m going to be super annoying and recommend it to my friends as we search for something to watch together from now on. Not sorry ’bout it tho.”

Goals for 2017: “I have so many clothes I don’t wear anymore burring inside my closet, a goal of mine is to open a mini pop up thrift shop and give them away to people who’d make a greater use for them than I am now. As for resolutions…I’d have to say mine is cook more. I always get inspired to make a homemade meal, but then I get lazy and end up ordering Thai food on Postmates. Maybe I’ll learn how to make Pad Thai for myself!”

Favorite rising social media star right now: “I am soooooo into ASMR Youtubers at the moment. My brain won’t let me go to bed without watching an ASMR video first at this point. I’m super obsessed with Taylor Darling, A.K.A. ASMR Darling, at the moment. Her videos are so comforting unique, and she seems like such a sweetheart! She also made my Christmas whole when I found out she followed me back on Instagram. If you watch her videos tell her Anthony sent you!”

Best advice for someone looking to succeed in the social media space: “Try showcasing something that no one has seen or done before yet. As humans, there are so many things about ourselves that separate up from anyone else. We’re all different for amazing reasons, so it would be interesting to see more about what exactly those reasons are. Plus, we see the same trends and challenges being done, so you should make it your mission to add something new to the internet mix. You could even take an already existing trend and add your own special twist to it!”

Favorite all-time social media platform: “It’s a fair tie between Instagram and Tumblr, but I’m going to give the crown for my favorite app to Tumblr. I cannot get enough of Tumblr at the moment, I love how I can type my heart out with no character limits. A couple other features I love are the ask box and the fact that your page is entirely HTML customizable. I’m such a nerd when it comes to HTLM, so you can count on never seeing me with the same Tumblr theme for more than a week. I like to think my blog is what the inside of my brain looks like…so if that interest you at all, you can follow me!”

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