Emma Watson Stuns on EW's 'Beauty & the Beast' Preview Issue

Emma Watson Stuns on EW's 'Beauty & the Beast' Preview Issue

How gorgeous does Emma Watson look on the cover of Entertainment Weekly‘s February 24th/March 3rd 2017 issue?

The actress opened up about agreeing to portray Belle in the mag’s Beauty and the Beast preview issue, on newsstands tomorrow (February 17)!

Here’s what she had to say:

On Belle’s superpower: “What’s so beautiful about this story as a whole is this idea that Belle is able to see past these extraneous, external, superficial qualities of Beast. She is able to see deeper, and that’s one of her special powers. It is her superpower: empathy.”

Also in the issue, Emma reveals what struggles she sees today for women and girls, as well as the movie that made her decide to not quit acting. EW also looks into how the Beauty and the Beast design team crafted the Beast’s ballroom.

Check out Emma‘s cover below!

For more from Emma, head to EntertainmentWeekly.com.

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emma watson reveals belles superpower in beauty and the beast 01

Photos: Entertainment Weekly
Posted to: Beauty and the Beast, Emma Watson, Magazine, Movies

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