'Power Rangers' Actress Becky G Reveals The Superpower She Actually Wants & It's Something That Will Totally Surprise You

'Power Rangers' Actress Becky G Reveals The Superpower She Actually Wants & It's Something That Will Totally Surprise You

It’s inevitable that when you get to play a superhero of any kind, you’re going to be asked what kind of superpowers you wish you had.

However, when Becky G was asked this, her answer was totally surprising.

The Power Rangers actress revealed that the superpower she really wished she did have is “perspective”.

“It would be very interesting to be able to put a person in someone else’s shoes just so they can see what their life is really like and help them have sympathy and be more considerate of others.”

Becky even gave an example of how she would use this superpower of hers with bullying.

“Having dealt with bullying in school, and cyber bullying [online], I feel like I would use that power to be able to show others that your words have a lot of impact in someone’s life.”

This would actually be the best superpower ever!

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Photos: Francis Bertrand/Para Todos
Posted to: Becky G

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