Chelsea Kane & Drew Seeley Share & Reveal 'Lovestruck's Famous Dance Scene for Throwback Thursday

Chelsea Kane & Drew Seeley Share & Reveal 'Lovestruck's Famous Dance Scene for Throwback Thursday

This is a way-Throwback Thursday!

Back in 2013 (which seems like forever ago, even though it’s not), two of our faves Chelsea Kane and Drew Seeley starred in ABC Family’s Lovestruck the Musical (which is so underappreciated).

The two actors starred as the younger versions of a couple who had broken up and were finding their way back to each other at their daughter’s wedding.

One of the most amazing moments in the movie was their dance scene and Drew just shared the rehearsal footage, which we are living for!

“Awh! Rehearsals for LOVESTRUCK! Such good times & great choreography,” Chelsea wrote on Twitter after seeing the vid.

Drew added, “I was pretty wrecked after shooting that. No half-steppin with Sanaa!”

Check out the video below!

Drew Seeley/Chelsea Kane ‘DJ got us fallin’ in love’ rehearsal (Lovestruck)
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