Nia Sioux's 'Girl Problems' Advice Column for JJJ! - Info For Your Life Inside!

Nia Sioux's 'Girl Problems' Advice Column for JJJ! - Info For Your Life Inside!

Every Sunday, Nia Sioux is going to answer one big “Girl Problem” question for readers right here, right now. Find out what today’s question is below!

The Dance Moms alum hosts her own show on called Girl Problems, where she’s going to tackle what it’s like being a girl… the good, the bad and everything in between.

Her show airs Sundays at 2 PM/PST. Is she live right now? Sign in to and ask her a question!

As part of her series, the 15-year-old dancer is going to answer one BIG question for us.

This week, the question is: I know I’m supposed to feel confident about my body, but I’m still worried about wearing a bathing suit in front of other people this summer. What should I do?

Click inside to see the life advice Nia has for you…

Nia says: I think all of us at times are worried about what we look like in a bathing suit. There are options though. Everyone has a problem spot.

Figure out what you want to cover or what you want to accentuate and find a pattern or a cut you like. There are so many bathing suits, you just need to find the right one the flatters you.

I think the best thing is not caring about what other people think. I know it’s hard but it’s really important to wear what you want no matter what size or shape you’re in.

Don’t be afraid to be yourself.

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Photos: Getty
Posted to: Advice, Nia Sioux

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