'Wonder Woman' Had A 'Little Mermaid' Inspired Scene!

'Wonder Woman' Had A 'Little Mermaid' Inspired Scene!

Have you seen Wonder Woman at the movies yet? If you haven’t, we’ll wait while you go to the theater and see it (but not really).

If you have, you’ve probably picked up on all The Little Mermaid references right? No? Yea, we didn’t either — but other fans did and it has our mind blown!

In one parallel, Wonder Woman and Steve Trevor meet on the beach — and if the scene looks really familiar, it should.

It mirrors the scene where Ariel rescues Prince Eric from the water in the animated feature almost perfectly!

In an interview right before the new flick came out, screenwriter Allan Heinberg talked to EW about the two films’ similarities.

“The story as I see it is The Little Mermaid, specifically Disney’s incarnation,” he shared. “This is a woman who has been raised in a very protective, sheltered life, she’s curious about what life is like outside and she wants to have her own experience. She wants to be where the people are.”


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