The 100's Christopher Larkin Is About To Release An Album!

The 100's Christopher Larkin Is About To Release An Album!

We just found out something about Christopher Larkin that we never knew before.

The 100 actor, who plays Monty on the show, confirmed that he’s about to release an album!

“I’m currently finishing up an album called the happiest album ever made,” he told Daman magazine. “It was supposed to be released last November, but I made a last-minute decision to ditch garage band and work with a producer/engineer who actually knows what they’re doing.”

He adds, “I flew to New York City and re-recorded the entire thing from scratch. It’s been a huge learning experience.”

“At the end of the day, I just hope it connects with a few listeners who don’t already share my last name.”

Christopher adds about the type of music he’s personally drawn to and which artists influenced it, “Trying to emulate Elliott Smith. Trying to emulate Nick Drake. Trying to merge the lyricism of Leonard Cohen with the sensibilities of Sufjan Stevens.”

“Realizing halfway that these emulations are not only unhealthy, but highly unrealistic,” he shared. “Then taking what I’ve learned from these icons and creating a voice of my own.”

We’re looking forward to hearing it!

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Posted to: christopher larkin, Music

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