Jake T. Austin Claims Fan Votes Don't Count on DWTS; Fans React

Jake T. Austin Claims Fan Votes Don't Count on DWTS; Fans React

Jake T. Austin competed on season 23 of Dancing With The Stars with Jenna Johnson, but after only two performances, was voted off the show.

Now, on one of the shows’ recent Instagram posts, the actor is claiming that if fan votes really counted, he wouldn’t have been the first voted off.

“Fan votes don’t count,” he typed. “This show is about ratings. The network and producers decide who advances and who goes home. They tell fans to vote to make them feel like they are a part of something they actually have no control over.”

Once fans saw his comment, they didn’t hold back in telling Jake that he was wrong — and there were also some who stood up for him and 100% agreed.

“or maybe…. you just weren’t a good enough dancer….shocking i know,” one wrote back to him.

Another adds, “looks like someone’s salty that they got kicked off.”

“Or maybe you were just a bad dancer??? Don’t blame the show or your partner or anyone else for your lack of dance ability,” one more told him.

However, there was one fan who pointed out that he was 100% right and even brought up X-Factor example on how the shows work.

“No, Jake is right. I’m sorry you guys are so naive and actually think it’s not,” they wrote. “I went as a family member to my cousins audition for XFactor and they already knew who was going through. It was all staged.”

“They had her audition weeks earlier actually, it was rigged and we all knew it but signed contracts and release forms. They even had all of us play roles backstage and told the contestants what to say to each other for drama. They made two contestants fake flirt with each other and had all of us stand in a circle around them and react. We even faked getting our name tags and registering even though we already had just for a scene on tv. This is just another show in an entertainment business guys. You actually believed this stuff was real? Get a grip.”

They added, “Not sure why you guys are attacking him for telling your the truth. Sometimes the truth hurts! I can co-sign that reality tv is completely fake. XFactor did the same thing and also let talent go.”

TELL JJJ: What do you think? Do fan votes really count?

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Photos: ABC
Posted to: Dancing With the Stars, Jake T. Austin

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