Kristin Kreuk Dishes On Pulling Double Duty on New Show 'Burden of Truth'

Kristin Kreuk Dishes On Pulling Double Duty on New Show 'Burden of Truth'

Kristin Kreuk rocks a dark lip color during the cocktail party for Burden of Truth during 2017 MIPCOM on Sunday night (October 15) in Cannes, France.

The actress was seen out the next morning at the photo call for the upcoming Canadian show, which Kristin also serves as an executive producer on.

“I’ve always been most interested in the story­telling. As an actress I have to be internally focused, digging deep into the characters I play.”

She continues, “But behind the camera I have to think about the macro perspective and how all the characters’ stories fit together.”

Kristin adds that her biggest challenge is trying to balance her energy and resources as an actress with the requirements of an executive producer.

“Now that we’re in production on the ten-episode order, I spend my days on set in front of the camera and weigh in mostly on the first or second draft of each episode rather than on the pitch or the outline.”

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Photos: PacificCoastNewsOnline, WENN
Posted to: Kristin Kreuk

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