Sharna Burgess Praises Her Female DWTS Co-Stars in Honest New Blog

Sharna Burgess Praises Her Female DWTS Co-Stars in Honest New Blog

Sharna Burgess has perfectly captured the power of female friendships in her latest blog.

“Something very special for me about being on tour is that I am lucky enough to perform across the country with a group of wonderfully talented people and among them is some incredibly strong and powerful women,” the Dancing With The Stars pro starts off.

Much like Lindsay Arnold touched on in her past blogs with JJJ, Sharna also found out that once she ditched the judgement about others and about herself, she was able to truly be confident and shines a light on how that only helped her forge amazing friendships with all of the female dancers on DWTS.

“I appreciate the presence of all the hard-working, passionate women I am surrounded by everyday,” Sharna adds. “As different as we appear to be on the outside, at our core we are very much the same. We are infinite. We are women. Strong, gentle, intelligent, understanding and compassionate.”

“My co-stars on DWTS are just a few of the outstanding examples of women in my life that I appreciate, admire and learn from every day. The universe has put these people in my path to travel some part of my journey with. I don’t take that for granted anymore.”

Read Sharna‘s full blog on her website now!

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Posted to: Dancing With the Stars, Sharna Burgess

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