Val Chmerkovskiy Wrote The Best Message To Victoria Arlen After Their DWTS Elimination

Val Chmerkovskiy Wrote The Best Message To Victoria Arlen After Their DWTS Elimination

Val Chmerkovskiy has a serious way with words.

The DWTS pro left a touching and sweet message for celeb partner Victoria Arlen on his Instagram, following their elimination from Dancing With The Stars last night.

“To have been trusted with taking care of you as a teacher, partner has truly been the bigger blessing in my life,” Val started his message for her. “I’m so grateful to #dwts for choosing me to be the one you share this journey with. You’ve given me everything you had and then some.”

He continues, “I couldn’t be more proud of you and how far you’ve come and even though we didn’t make it to the finals your performances last night as they have been all season showed just how much heart, strength, and light you have to offer to this world.”

“Keep striving, keep growing, and please continue to be as grateful and kind as you have been every single day I shared with you this season. You always have a friend in me, and anytime you feel like having a whirl I’ll be there, fixing your posture every step of the way ;)… love you Arlen, proud of you.”

Read the rest of his message below:

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