Teala Dunn Shares Anti-Bullying Message In New Video

Teala Dunn Shares Anti-Bullying Message In New Video

Teala Dunn has another message to share – this time encouraging those that are getting bullied or harassed that they are not alone.

The YouTube personality and actress addressed those that are calling her “fake” and then went into an anti-bullying message.

“For anybody that calls me fake,” she started off. “Honey, the only thing fake about me is my hair and my lashes. I am far from fake.”

“Also I just want to say if you are getting harassed or bullied online or in school, just know that you are not alone,” Teala continued. “And just please stay strong. Know that I am here for you. Just know that you are born for a reason. God created you for a reason. Don’t let the opinions of others define who you are as a person because you were born for a reason. And even though sometimes you might wake up and you just feel not worth it at all, or you don’t feel pretty, or you don’t feel fit, or whatever the case may be. Just know that everybody has those days and it will pass. You are worth it and you are beautiful.”

Click inside to watch her video…

Teala Dunn – “To Everyone That Calls Me Fake….”
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