Gabbie Hanna Opens Up About Her Battle With C PTSD After Getting a Hair Makeover

Gabbie Hanna Opens Up About Her Battle With C PTSD After Getting a Hair Makeover

Gabbie Hanna just recently got a beautiful new hair makeover — and it’s something that she’s actually struggling to handle.

Just after she got her hair done, she started to have anxiety about her new look.

“I couldn’t figure out why because I always just go into it,” Gabbie shared in her video, and while she knew it was going to look cool afterwards, “for some reason this made me feel so not myself. Not grounded and this is one of those things about anxiety is you don’t understand it and it will literally f*** up your day.”

Gabbie continues, opening up about the feeling of losing control: “It’s the feeling of control and this is part of it. I have C PTSD, you can Google it, and it means I have a serious problem with losing control where I grew up in chaos, and a lot of my life has been chaos, so I would grab control wherever I could find it to try and make sense of the chaos.”

“For me, I really latched onto my hair, and that became something that I could control because I didn’t have money, I didn’t have nice clothes and I didn’t even have braces…the only thing that I consistently got comments and compliments on was my hair…”

Watch the video below to see how Gabbie is taking control of the situation now:

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