FaZe Banks Explains What Actually Happened During The Night Alissa Violet Was Hit in Ohio

FaZe Banks Explains What Actually Happened During The Night Alissa Violet Was Hit in Ohio

Just days after showing Alissa Violet‘s bruises following a fight at a bar, FaZe Banks has uploaded a new video explaining what actually went down.

After escorting Alissa and one of her friends to a bathroom in the downstairs, restricted area for safety (requested by her mom), he wasn’t allowed to do it again and the bouncer stopped him.

“This is when Richie (the bouncer in the restricted area) moves toward me, gets more aggressive and then ultimately grabs me and tries to shove me. In the security footage, you will see I take the first step back and I am shoved first, 100 percent…Don’t f****** touch me. He had no reason to do that,” FaZe says. “It was completely uncalled for…He pushes me, I push him back, we get into a scuffle. He ultimately gets me into a headlock and then I feel three other guys drag me up the stairs and I’m being dragged by my neck.”

He continues that after he was being dragged out of the bar, then, so was Alissa.

“Alissa gets pushed down the stairs in the midst of this whole thing, has a huge scrape up her leg along with all the bruises on her face. That was the first time Alissa was touched. As soon as I saw her leg and I started to put the pieces together, I started to freak out.”

You can watch the entire video below now:

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