Lili Reinhart & KJ Apa Dish About What Betty & Archie's Kiss in 'Riverdale' Really Means

Lili Reinhart & KJ Apa Dish About What Betty & Archie's Kiss in 'Riverdale' Really Means

During last night’s Riverdale midseason finale, Barchie fans got what they’ve been waiting for — a kiss!

Betty (Lili Reinhart) and Archie (KJ Apa) shared a sweet kiss in the car after solving the mystery around Black Hood — but what does it actually mean?

With Bughead over, is Varchie next? How are they going to explain this to Veronica and Jughead…or are they at all? What is going on?!

“I feel like there’s going to be a freak out, but I think they’re going to try and calm themselves down by saying it wasn’t really romantic and was kind of in the heat of the moment,” Lili told Glamour about how she thinks the fans will respond. “Like, it wasn’t premeditated.”

“It wasn’t really a romance that was building necessarily; it was just something that happened really quickly, and I think that’s what is going to keep the Bughead fans at ease.”

While she’s a pure Bughead shipper herself, that doesn’t mean Lili is counting Barchie out of the game either.

“There are people who do enjoy Betty and Archie together and are excited to see that relationship, so I’m happy for them,” she shared. “[At the same time,] I’m also kind of sad for the Bughead fans because they see this other coupling that they don’t like coming together.”

For KJ, he’s one of the ones who doesn’t pay attention to the ship fandoms all that much.

“I really don’t, to be honest,” he shared with ET. “I try not to look at that stuff. I just go with [the Riverdale scripts] one hundred percent.”

However, he does know that Bughead fans will be vocal about it: “I think the Bughead fans might not be happy,” he shared. “But if they’re confident Bughead fans, then they’ve got nothing to worry about.”

“The few Barchie fans that are out there will think that it’s pretty good, I guess.”

Riverdale will return on Wednesday, January 17, 2018.

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Photos: The CW
Posted to: KJ Apa, Lili Reinhart, Riverdale

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