Tiffany Thornton Reveals Christmas Eve Miscarriage with Husband Josiah Capaci

Tiffany Thornton Reveals Christmas Eve Miscarriage with Husband Josiah Capaci

Christmas didn’t get off on the best start for Tiffany Thornton and her husband Josiah Capaci.

The former Sonny With a Chance actress revealed she suffered a miscarriage in an emotional Instagram post.

“In the early hours of this morning I miscarried a 5 week pregnancy. I was always the person that thought this wouldn’t happen to me. Until it did,” she wrote. “I’m still in a bit of shock about it but there is one thing I know: God has His hand of protection over me and my husband and children AT ALL TIMES. And I know it was a form of His protection to only allow my body to carry this tiny blessing for 5 weeks. I am grateful that I wasn’t further along in the pregnancy. I am grateful that I didn’t end up having a child who would suffer once born.”

“I can’t imagine a child in pain and no way for me to help them. I am grateful that my body does what it is supposed to do even in the most difficult situation. And my heart breaks for any mom who has gone through a miscarriage,” Tiffany continued. “I have always wanted to be a mom, no matter what challenges that would bring. And I know, just like this picture, that there is always something beautiful and bright after a dark spot in life. So I will persevere and continue on in hope that the Lord will eventually fulfill our desire for another baby. I’ll go ahead and thank you all now for the prayers as I know they will be coming in like a flood. As you read this I don’t want you to feel sorry for me but rather feel emboldened to share your mistakes, hurts and truths to others so that they can see God through u. My fans + followers: you are more than that to me. You are family. The body of Christ and my equals. And I love each of you. Thank you for loving me too.”

Click inside to read more from Tiffany…

“Currently laying on the couch with a cozy blanket, drinking a little coffee by the Christmas tree. It’s been a tough past couple of days for me but I’m looking forward to squeezing my boys so tight tonight when they come home from grandma and grandpa’s house.
The holidays are hard when you’ve lost someone, especially when you lost them around the holidays. But the real truth is they aren’t lost at all. They have found themselves at the foot of our Creator. And what a joyous place to be. My sister in law @susannacapaci said it best yesterday when she said ‘Couldn’t help but think about Chris seeing that precious baby and having a piece of you with him for now. How happy he must be! Praying for peace. Love you ??’. So tonight I will imagine what it’s like for them in Heaven and how they will rejoice with Jesus tomorrow as we celebrate Him.
This Christmas will still be very special for the boys and I as it’s our first Christmas in our new house with my incredible husband @jotheshow.

And of course part of me wishes I was in Texas for my family’s tradition of the candle light Christmas Eve service at Central Baptist Church then dinner at Outback. That dinner will just have to wait til Tuesday when we get there. Merry Christmas Eve everyone. I pray it is a blessed day for each of you. Love you all!”

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Posted to: Tiffany Thornton

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