Lucy Hale Wraps 'Life Sentence' Season 1: 'It Was Extraordinarily Scary To Start Something New'

Lucy Hale Wraps 'Life Sentence' Season 1: 'It Was Extraordinarily Scary To Start Something New'

That’s a wrap on season one of Life Sentence!

Lucy Hale shared the wrap news on her Instagram with a long post about starting work on a new show and her experience with the process.

“Life Sentence was my new chapter in life… It was extraordinarily scary to start something new and lead the charge , but boy am I glad my heart led me here,” she wrote. “I feel completely fulfilled and full of gratitude. I leave Vancouver with a heart so full of joy and my soul lit up in a way I haven’t felt in a long time.
For the last 6 months I’ve cried and laughed with these remarkable humans, doing our best to create characters and a world that we hope you openly take into your own home.”

“THANK YOU to our hard working cast, crew, writers and producers for emotionally and physically investing yourselves into this experience. I am indebted to you,” Lucy continued. “Thank you to @thecw and @doozerproductions for believing in this show whole heartedly. Let this show teach you about love and life and all the shitty times in between. We appreciate all of you who will be keeping up with the Abbotts. (March 7 premiere) That’s a wrap on Season 1!!”

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Photos: Getty
Posted to: Life Sentence, Lucy Hale

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