R5 Turns Into 'The Driver Era' - Get All The Details Now!

R5 Turns Into 'The Driver Era' - Get All The Details Now!

You might’ve noticed the change on R5‘s social media accounts, we know we did!

But no need to freak out just yet — R5 is not ending, they’re just starting something new; and yes, that means new music!

R5 is now The Driver Era, a brand new era with Ross and Rocky Lynch writing, performing, and producing most of the tracks.

“We have completely different ideas and goals at this point in our lives,” Ross shares in a statement.

Rocky adds, “We are, of course, evolving and it’s natural to move forward with a new sound and outlook.”

The Driver Era will “capture a certain classic feeling while looking toward tomorrow” and will conjure up “every romantic association with heading out on the open road: limitless possibility, the thrill of escape, a refusal to stay in one place for any real length of time.”

JJJ can tell you that the debut single, “Preacher Man”, is coming REALLY REALLY SOON!

On top of “Preacher Man” and the accompanying music video, other songs fans can look forward to include “Afterglow” and “Flexible”.

Check out Ross‘s note below about the start of The Driver Era he shared on Instagram Stories:

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