The Driver Era Gives Fans Sneak Peek of New Single 'Preacher Man' - Listen Here!

The Driver Era Gives Fans Sneak Peek of New Single 'Preacher Man' - Listen Here!

Earlier today, JJJ revealed what was behind R5‘s change to The Driver Era and now, there’s a sneak peek of their brand new music!

Ross and Rocky Lynch, who are writing, performing, and producing most of the tracks for the new era of music, have dropped a little snippet of “Preacher Man”, which will be out March 16th.

“From the title you might think there’s some kind of religious connotation there, but if anything there’s more of an atheist quality to it,” Ross says of the song.

If you’re still wondering about where Riker, Rydel and Ellington Ratliff fit into the new project, Ross and Rocky are wanting to surprise you. So stay tuned!

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