This Scene With Rowan Blanchard In 'A Wrinkle In Time' Wasn't Scripted

This Scene With Rowan Blanchard In 'A Wrinkle In Time' Wasn't Scripted

SPOILER ALERT! Minor spoilers ahead…

Rowan Blanchard is opening up about tackling the role of a bully in A Wrinkle In Time, and even revealed that one scene wasn’t planned at all.

“Internally, I was always viewing a character as somebody who really hates herself and who targets this young girl who’s very bright and smart and who she feels threatened by,” the 16-year-old actress told Popsugar. “I think [Veronica] approached it that way. And she just picked her and decided that she was going to ruin her life. I mean, I hate to be like it wasn’t that hard to get into the character of such a bully. But it also wasn’t, because I think bullies are people who have been very hurt themselves or hate themselves.”

Later on in the film, you see Veronica struggling with body image issues and an eating disorder, but it wasn’t actually in the script!

“So that wasn’t in the script . . .” Rowan dished. “I walked in and we had set up a bedroom set for my character, and she was just like essentially, “We have no script. So you can literally just do what you want,” which was crazy. And I’ve never really had that freedom and trust placed on me by a director, and we walked around the room for an hour and improvised the whole thing.”

“It was really a learning experience for myself,” she continued. “I was very scared, and then I relaxed into it and I think it ended up being this super instrumental part in Veronica’s story. That gives her character this whole layer that would not have existed without that scene.”

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Posted to: A Wrinkle in Time, Rowan Blanchard

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