Tyler Posey Has 'Gotten Bored With Acting'

Tyler Posey Has 'Gotten Bored With Acting'

Tyler Posey is all smiles while making his way through the airport on Thursday (April 26) in Los Angeles.

The Truth or Dare actor was joined by his co-star and real life girlfriend Sophia Taylor Ali.

Tyler recently opened up about becoming bored with acting and his passion for behind the camera.

“At this point, I’ve had 20 years of acting under my belt and, in the last five years, I’ve not gotten bored of it, but I’ve been like, ‘Okay, what’s next?’ I really want to do something else,” Tyler told Collider. “I love film. I love being in this business. I expressed interest as a producer on Teen Wolf, and they let me go to meetings and gave me a producing credit. Then, I was like, ‘Okay, I really want to direct.’ I got a camera and a bunch of lights, and I started practicing.”

“What I found is that I really love camera operating. Everything that I shoot with my friends, I’m usually the camera operator, and I love coming up with extravagant and beautiful shots, and creepy, subtle shots,” he added. “I just love painting the picture. I feel like, as a camera operator and a director, you can be really creative and tell a whole story. You really have to have a good eye and know what you’re doing. So, I definitely want to direct more. I really want my career to go down that path, at some point.”

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