Elliot Knight Shares Sweet Message After 'Life Sentence' Cancellation

Elliot Knight Shares Sweet Message After 'Life Sentence' Cancellation

Elliot Knight is just as bummed as we all are about Life Sentence being cancelled – most likely, even more.

Starring as Wes on the series opposite Lucy Hale, the 27-year-old British hunk shared a sweet message after hearing about the show being cancelled.

“From the first day of shooting our pilot to the last day of filming this season in January, this has been one of my favourite experiences,” Elliot writes. “I will always remember going to work everyday with a smile, leaving exactly the same, loving the people I was with and having the time of my life making something special with all of them.”

“Today we heard that we won’t get to come back to tell more of our Life Sentence story – which hit us all. But I am so glad that we even got to tell chapter 1. Thank you to our tireless writers, our beautiful crew who made every day in Vancouver a dream, @thecw and @doozerproductions for this opportunity, and the brilliant @richkeith and @theerincardillo for making any of it possible.”

Elliot continues, “I’ve loved this cast; working with and watching you all over the past year has been a constant joy. I can’t say I’ve enjoyed a job as much. And thank you to everyone who has watched and supported the show! We love you, it means the world to all of us that you’re there and we hope you will stick with the Abbotts to the end of our season to see all the hard work we put in to doing this story and these characters justice. We hope you enjoy it! The rest is for you guys x.”

BRB, balling more of our eyes out!

Lucy Hale Announces ‘Life Sentence’ Was Cancelled; Will Not Be A Season Two
Italia Ricci Offers Support to Lucy Hale After ‘Life Sentence’ Cancellation

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Photos: The CW
Posted to: Elliot Knight, Life Sentence, Television

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