Yanny or Laurel? The Verdict Is In - Find Out Which One It Is!

Yanny or Laurel? The Verdict Is In - Find Out Which One It Is!

The great dress debate came back on Tuesday (May 15), but this time with a computer saying a word.

An audio file of a robotic voice saying a word has some people hearing “Yanny” and others hearing “Laurel.”

While some people are clearly hearing one word, there are many people who say they eventually hear the other word after listening over and over again.

The person who originated the post, 18-year-old high school student Roland Szabo, shared that he used Vocublary.com and recorded the website pronouncing the word according to the New York Times.

TELL JJJ: Did you think it was Yanny or Laurel??

Click inside to find out the truth behind the debate…

LAUREL! The student plugged in the word Laurel into the website.

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