Selena Gomez's Mom Reveals Who She Wants Her Daughter to Date

Selena Gomez's Mom Reveals Who She Wants Her Daughter to Date

Selena Gomez‘s mom Mandy has a pretty good idea about who she wants her daughter to date!

The 13 Reasons Why producer recently opened up about the qualities she thinks a guy should have if he wants to date Selena!

“A sense of humor,” she told People, adding that it would also be important for the guy to be “family-oriented” and “someone who truly understands the life that she lives.”

As for the constant speculation about Selena‘s love life, Mandy says she takes the gossip with a “grain of salt.”

When sometime tells her they hear Selena‘s got a new beau, she jokingly replies, “Oh wow, is it working out?”

“I empathize with her a lot because could you imagine trying to find someone who isn’t in this business that understands, they’re gonna read she’s cheating every five minutes on them? That’s a special person. I want them to care about her and not the fame and not trying to sell things or become something,” Mandy explained.

We SO agree and hope Selena‘s next boyfriend is an all around great guy too!

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Photos: Getty
Posted to: Mandy Teefey, Selena Gomez

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