Chloe Moretz's Gay Brother is Her Inspiration in Finding True Love

Chloe Moretz's Gay Brother is Her Inspiration in Finding True Love

Chloe Moretz rocks a trendy pair of shades in her new shoot for Gay Times‘ September 2018 edition, available on August 31.

Here’s what the Miseducation of Cameron Post actress had to say to the outlet:

On how her older brother’s relationship is the healthiest she’s seen: “The healthiest relationship that I’ve ever seen and grew up with was not that of my parents, it was that of my brother [Trevor] and his boyfriend [Nick] who have been together – still to this day – for 11 years. That has been my most healthy parental relationship that I’ve ever seen. It gave me faith and hope that you can find someone to be with for a long period of time who you truly love. But for me, it’s interesting that it wasn’t your typical nuclear family unit – it’s my gay brother and his boyfriend.”

“I grew up fighting on their behalf because it broke my heart to see that yes, they can stand up for themselves, but people wouldn’t listen. So I took it upon myself with their blessing to go out there and talk about it, and to tell people, ‘Hey, being gay is not a big deal at all. But be proud and be out there and raise the flag high. Be a part of the community, and be for the community.’ So it was never a question to me whether or not I was ever going to be an advocate, and what that meant to my heart and how it shaped me.”

On taking this movie to the politicians in Washington DC: “In the current state of America, if you don’t have a message that you’re pushing out, if it’s not some sort of activism, then why are you doing it? I want this movie to be a platform. I want this movie to start a conversation and to help lobby against conversion therapy in America. I’m actually flying to DC to do a screening and to have an open conversation with a couple of politicians, and to talk about lobbying against gay conversion therapy in America.”

For more from Chloe, pre-order the September 2018 issue of Gay Times at

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chloe moretz healthiest relationship ive seen gay brother and his boyfriend 04

Photos: Dennis Leupold
Posted to: Chloe Moretz, Magazine, trevor moretz

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