RJ Cyler Still Has Hope For A 'Power Rangers' Sequel

RJ Cyler Still Has Hope For A 'Power Rangers' Sequel

It’s been a while since we’ve heard anything about the Power Rangers movies.

While we would love for a second movie to happen, we’re not holding our breaths about it – but RJ Cyler is all for it still.

The actor, who played Billy, the Blue Ranger, revealed in an interview with TV Insider that he’s still waiting for that greenlight. Here’s what he wants for the sequel:

“I want to see the growth Jason has with his pa,” he says. “In our movie they had the father-parent relationship like Mufasa and Simba…I want to see how deep in forgiveness and understanding both of them get with each other. They softened in the last movie, but I want to see how their relationship evolves.”

“I also want to see more of the Trini character because there were a lot of good nuggets of who Trini is and how she could potentially be a part of the LGBT community.”

RJ adds about his own character, “with Billy the possibilities of being a superhero on the autism spectrum. I recently went to Power Morphicon. I never felt so much love from such a big crowd people.”

“Talking to each of them, whether they are on the spectrum or not, Billy related to them on some level. I want to continue to give that. I want to continue to give that person that makes them feel comfortable or find something in common. It gives them freedom of mind to chase what they want to chase.”

TELL JJJ: Are you still hoping for the second movie to happen?

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Photos: Getty
Posted to: Power Rangers, RJ Cyler

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