Brandon Larracuente To Lead Freeform's 'Party of Five' Series

Brandon Larracuente To Lead Freeform's 'Party of Five' Series

Brandon Larracuente, who you rememebr from 13 Reasons Why as Jeff, has joined Freeform’s new Party of Five pilot, JJJ can confirm.

The actor will star as one of the four older Buendía siblings, opposite Emily Tosta, Niko Guardado and Elle Paris Legaspi.

The reboot follows the five Buendias children as they navigate daily life struggles to survive as a family unit after their parents are suddenly deported back to Mexico.

Party of Five is expected to debut sometime in 2019, along with other new shows, Good Trouble and The Perfectionists.

Click inside to learn more about Brandon‘s character…

Brandon is Emilio Buendía, an aspiring musician and the oldest son of Gloria and Javier Buendía. Emilio is the reason his parents crossed the Mexican border into the United States nearly twenty-five years ago in hopes of a better life. Although the oldest, he’s the least responsible of the siblings, and had been enjoying living away from home and the freedom that came with it until his parents’ status was threatened.

Emily is Lucia Buendía, a straight-A student with lofty college ambitions until her parents run into trouble with immigration. Their circumstances force her to reevaluate her disposition to play by the rules. She quickly becomes resistant to authority, politically radicalized and rebellious to her presumed duties as the oldest sister. Tosta is repped by Hyperion.

Nick is Beto Buendía, the second oldest brother of the family who steps up in the midst of turmoil. While struggling with sports, girls and school, he soon discovers that being the head of his family comes easily to him and gives him the self-respect and sense of purpose he has never had before.

Elle plays ten-year-old Valentina Buendía, the precocious and resourceful youngest sister. Forced to face adolescence without her mother, she’s desperately afraid of what the future holds, and her vulnerability will require her older siblings to step up and offer the structure and support that they may not be wholly equipped to provide.

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