Emma Stone Has Actually Never Seen 'Easy A' All The Way Through!

Emma Stone Has Actually Never Seen 'Easy A' All The Way Through!

We can all agree that Easy A is one of the best movies ever, yes? Yes.

The flick starring Emma Stone came out in 2010 and was a modern update of “The Scarlet Letter” which centered on Olive, a clean-cut teen, who decides to spice things up by telling a little lie about losing her virginity.

During a video series with Variety, Emma revealed that she didn’t enjoy filming it was much as we’d like to hear – and it was because of all the pressure she was putting on herself.

“I was really in love with that script but I put so much pressure — I was 20 and I put so much pressure on myself,” she shared. “I had to be there all day every day, and if I wasn’t on screen then I was narrating. It was just too much me.”

Emma added, “It was the first time that I had ever had to rely on myself mostly to be able to carry all of that.”

But the biggest takeaway from the interview – she’s actually never seen the entire movie!

“I haven’t seen it. No, I’ve seen some scenes. But I went to a friends and family screening to see it and I had to get up and walk out. Who wants to watch themselves for that long?”

TELL JJJ: How many times have you seen Easy A?

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Photos: Getty
Posted to: Emma Stone, Movies

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