Maia Mitchell Talks Being an Executive Producer on 'Good Trouble'

Maia Mitchell Talks Being an Executive Producer on 'Good Trouble'

Maia Mitchell and Cierra Ramirez aren’t just starring in Good Trouble – they’re also executive producers on the series.

In a new interview ahead of the series premiere, Maia is opening up about taking on the additional role.

“It’s been a lot more pressure, but it’s also been equally rewarding, and we’ve learned so much,” Maia shared with Variety. “It kind of feels like our baby for me and Cierra.”

EP Joanna Johnson also spoke about how Good Trouble will make people not live tweet the show, but pay attention to the stories.

Some stories will be written from the middle, or the end.

“Instead of always having to come up with twists in the story, which can often force you into making too many soapy turns, how about starting at the end of a story or in the middle, at an intriguing plot point, and making the audience wonder, ‘Wow. How did we get here?’” she explained.

She adds, “I also wanted to find a way to hopefully get them to put their phones down while watching, in order to follow the story and not miss out on any clues. Even though we live tweet with the fans every episode and it’s really fun to get their reactions in real time, I always sort of wish they were just watching the episode and having a pure viewing experience, the way we did in the ‘olden days.’”

Good Trouble premieres on Freeform NEXT WEEK!

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Posted to: Good Trouble, Maia Mitchell

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