Five Feet Apart's Haley Lu Richardson Was 'Surprised' By Cole Sprouse

Five Feet Apart's Haley Lu Richardson Was 'Surprised' By Cole Sprouse

Haley Lu Richardson is opening up about what it’s really like to work with Cole Sprouse on their new movie, Five Feet Apart.

Speaking with Cosmopolitan, the 23-year-old actress shared that she was really surprised with the Riverdale star.

“The first time I met him was at this dinner and I didn’t know what to expect,” Haley shared. “That’s another thing I try to do, I try not to have expectations and honestly all I knew about him was the fact that he was on Suite Life with Zack and Cody. I’m not really up with all the cool things, I didn’t really know about Riverdale much. I was like, oh he’s the kid from Disney and I’m doing a movie with him.”

After that dinner, Haley and Cole got along pretty well and she was even more impressed with his work ethic.

“You know the thing I was really shocked about was how artistic he is and how he takes things really seriously,” she says. “He’s really smart and he’s really artistic in a genuine way, not in an artsy way. He’s an actual artist.”

Haley added, “I really appreciated that about working with him because we were really serious about these characters and wanting to do the best with them and do it in a grounded artful way. I was surprised by that with him.”

Five Feet Apart opens on March 15th. Watch the new trailer here!

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Posted to: Cole Sprouse, Haley Lu Richardson

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