'Jane The Virgin' Stars Justin Baldon & Yael Grobglas Are in Tears Over The Last Table Read

'Jane The Virgin' Stars Justin Baldon & Yael Grobglas Are in Tears Over The Last Table Read

Warning – you’re going to cry over Justin Baldoni and Yael Grobglas‘s Instagrams about the last table read ever for Jane The Virgin.

The two actors posted sweet tributes to the series on their Instagrams just moments after gathering for the final table read of the show.

“Just had our last table read for #janethevirgin . After crying non stop for 1.5 hours I’m gonna go pass out. Too many feelings,” Yael wrote with her pic.

Justin added with his own, “Ends are always hard. We’ve grown up together. Been through massive life moments together. Through joy and pain. These are real friendships. Not ‘show friendships’. It’s the end of an era but the beginning of so many incredible things.”

Read the rest of his tribute below:

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Photos: WENN
Posted to: Jane the Virgin, Justin Baldoni, Yael Grobglas

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