Zac Efron Hopes There's A 'The Greatest Showman' Sequel!

Zac Efron Hopes There's A 'The Greatest Showman' Sequel!

Zac Efron is totally down for a The Greatest Showman sequel!

While hitting the couch alongside Charlize Theron, Seth Rogen and Matthew Broderick on The Graham Norton Show, airing tonight (April 26), the 31-year-old actor opened up about the possibility of follow-up to the hit musical.

Hugh (Jackman) is working on all sorts of things including a one man show. What’s next? I don’t know but I hope there is a sequel,” Zac expressed.

Zac also talked up about starring as Ted Bundy in his new film Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile and says: “I had a lot of reservations about playing a killer and in this genre of film. I wasn’t interested in glorifying anything, but I was interested in the psychological aspect of whether he was capable of real love.”

“I was very hesitant to do it, but I knew I could,” Zac continues. “I just didn’t want to jump at something that could be seen as a desperate shot at trying to change my image. It was a unique experience and not what anyone expects. It makes me proud.”

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Credit: Isabel Infantes / PA Images; Photos:
Posted to: Charlize Theron, Graham Norton, Matthew Broderick, Seth Rogen, Zac Efron

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