Watch BTS' Fun New Interview with Stephen Colbert!

Watch BTS' Fun New Interview with Stephen Colbert!

Don’t you just love watching interviews with the guys from BTS?!

The seven members of the K-Pop group introduced themselves to the audience in the cutest way during their interview on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert on Wednesday night (May 15) in New York City.

Before the interview, the K-Pop group channeled Beatlemania by arriving at the theater in black suits and performing in black and white, just like The Beatles‘ appearance on The Ed Sullivan Show back in the day.

The Late Show is filmed in the same theater where The Beatles made their historic debut in the states.

During the interview, the guys from BTS revealed that their favorite song by the classic band is “Hey Jude” and they even sang a snippet.

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Photos: CBS
Posted to: BTS, Stephen Colbert

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