Hunter Hayes Really Wants To Collaborate With Shawn Mendes

Hunter Hayes Really Wants To Collaborate With Shawn Mendes

Hunter Hayes, like us all, is a big Shawn Mendes fan.

During his recent interview with AfterBuzz TV‘s Ally Nasta, the 27-year-old singer revealed that Shawn is one artist he’d love to collab with one day.

“Shawn Mendes keeps [mentioning] me in two or three interviews, so I keep hoping that that’ll [a collab will] happen at some point…he’s such a badass and I, I would, I would really enjoy that,” Hunter shared.

He added, “I got to meet him a couple years ago when he did a show in Nashville and hang out with him a little bit. I just love the pure human being that exists behind all that music. And I love the purity of his music, too, so, that would be dope.”

There are some other artists that Hunter would love to collab with too.

“I’ve got a bunch of little music obsessions right now. My latest one is The 1975, as I’m sure you can tell by watching my Instagram,” Hunter laughed. “I would love to. I would love to do a show with them, like, the five of us. Like, be the fifth member of, of 1975, plus one.”

He continued, “I love Matty’s [Healy] message. I love what he, you know, there’s a lot of things that he, that he says and stands for that I really honestly, wish more people would stand up and say and I just…I love, I love that stuff, so. And it’s one of the best live shows I’ve ever seen.”

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Posted to: Hunter Hayes, Shawn Mendes

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