Jessie Paege Now Has Her Own Hot Topic Web Store & It's a 'Dream Come True'

Jessie Paege Now Has Her Own Hot Topic Web Store & It's a 'Dream Come True'

Jessie Paege just launched a new collection of shirts with Hot Topic!

This is the 20-year-old YouTuber’s second collection with the brand, but now she is one of the first ten creators to be part of the Hot Topic Creators program.

“I am beyond excited to be teaming up with my favorite store again, Hot Topic! Last year was a dream come true when I partnered with them to design and release shirts and pins that and were inspired by my social media posts and internet culture,” Jessie told JJJ. “Hot Topic helped me find my identity in high school, so to be working with them again, and this time to be one of the first ten creators to have a personalized store on the Hot Topic website with my own online exclusive shirts, is another dream come true. I hope everyone loves the shirts as much as I do.”

“We are excited to expand our creative partnership with Jessie Paege, whose new merch collection is an integral part of our HT Creators program, Hot Topic’s first foray into nurturing creatives of all types – from social media influencers to visual artists, photographers, musicians and beyond. By supporting visionary creatives like Jessie, our merch will include even more diverse fandoms,” Andrea Lewis, VP Marketing of Hot Topic said in a statement.

Check out some images of Jessie Paege in the “Cries In Princess” t-shirt in the gallery, and see her whole collection at!

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Photos: Hot Topic
Posted to: Jessie Paege

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