Breaking News - Zoey Deutch Fixes Her Nail After Charles Melton Broke It!

Breaking News - Zoey Deutch Fixes Her Nail After Charles Melton Broke It!

Zoey Deutch is recovering nicely after a wild weekend with a group of celeb friends, including Charles Melton.

The 24-year-old actress and the 28-year-old actor were among those in attendance for talent agent Tracy Brennan‘s wedding last weekend in Utah.

While having a fun night out ahead of the wedding, Charles accidentally bit off one of Zoey‘s nails while she fed him tater tots. Fans went crazy when JJJ “broke the news” and Charles shared it on his Instagram, with Zoey even asking those to “respect my privacy at this time.”

Zoey shared an update on Instagram on Wednesday (August 21) that she got her nail fixed, and even called Charles a “monster”. He responded with, “Muahahahaha Those look delicious” and “not for long”.

Hey Charles, please keep your mouth away from Zoey‘s hands. Thanks. LOL!

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